Functional Materials Laboratory (FML)
Materials Engineering Department, IIT Gandhinagar

Current courses
Instructor of "Corrosion and degradation of materials", UG 3rd year course
- Instructor of "Surface Engineering", UG elective
​Courses taught and assisted previously
Instructor and tutor to, "Introduction to Materials (ES 202)", UG 2nd year course, (Aug-Nov 2022)
Instructor to "Surface Engineering (MSE 355)", UG elective, (Aug-Nov 2022)
Instructor of "Corrosion and degradation of materials", UG 3rd year course, (Jan-April 2022)
Tutor to "Fluid Mechanics (ES 212)", (Jan-April 2022)
Introduction to Materials Science (ES 202), co-instructor. (Jan-April 2021)
Fluid Mechanics (ES 212), tutor. (Jan-April 2021)
Instructor of "Surface Engineering", UG elective, Aug-Nov, 2020, IIT Gandhinagar
Instructor of " Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering", Jan-May 2020, IIT Gandhinagar
Tutor to the “Fluid Mechanics” undergraduate course for Jan-May 2020, IIT Gandhinagar
Teaching assistant to “Chemistry of surfaces” taught by Prof. Patrik Hoffmann at EPFL from Feb-June 2012; 2013 (2 semesters). Feb-June 2012, Feb-June 2013
Developed course contents
Surface Engineering MSE 355
Time: Semester-I (2020-2021)
Course Contents:
Fundamentals on surface energy, surface tension, polar and apolar materials, viscosity, vapor pressure, enthalpy of vaporization
Surface properties: roughness, flatness, topography, chemical composition/surface chemistry, bond structure
Introduction to wetting, tribology, capillarity and biofouling
Types of fluids: pure liquids, emulsions, suspensions, Newtonian & non-Newtonian, biological and classification of real-life fluids such as blood, paints, ketchup, oil, yogurt etc.
Theories: Young’s equation, Wenzel theory, Cassie-Baxter theory, Zisman plot, van Oss-Chaudary-Good theory, Gibbs free energy minimization, van der Waals forces namely Debye, Keesom, London forces as well as hydrogen bonding
Surface modifications by chemical ways: dip coating, spraying, sputtering, silanization treatments, carburizing, nitriding, physical vaporization deposition, chemical vaporization method etc.
Engineering surface topography: micromachining, e- beam lithography, photolithography, laser ablation, chemical etching, curing, replication, hot embossing etc.
Surface characterization techniques: SEM, CA goniometer, AFM, optical profilometer, frictional measurements-oscillating tribometer, sphere on disc and pin on disc, Nanoindentation
Bioinspired strategies for tuning surface adhesion: Lotus leaf effect, butterfly surfaces, rose petals, Nepenthes Pitcher plant, gecko-lizard, underwater oleophobicity by fish scales
Tribology: Stribeck curve, lubrication, influence of viscosity, load, sliding speed on dry and lubricated friction and wear of materials. Archard’s wear principle and wear mechanisms
Applications and emerging challenges
Reference and reading materials:
A textbook by William A. Zisman entitled “Contact Angle, Wettability, and Adhesion”, Advances in Chemistry, 1963, American Chemical Society. E-book
A textbook by Prof. Jacob N. Israelachvili, University of California Santa Barbara, entitled “Intermolecular and Surface Forces”
A textbook titled “Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves” by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Françoise Brochard-Wyart, David Quéré
Textbook by Ian M. Hutchings, “Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials”
2. Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering (MSE 311)
Time: Taught during semester-II (2019-2020)
Course Contents:
Introduction to transport phenomena
Concepts of fluid flow and momentum transfer
Newton’s law of viscosity and Non-Newtonian fluids with examples from real-life
Continuity equation, applications of Navier-Stokes equation, Bernoulli’s theorem
Laminar flow, Turbulent flow, concept of friction factor, fluidized bed
Concepts on Mass transport: Fick’s law of diffusion, mass transfer coefficient
Concepts on heat transport: heat conduction, Fourier’s law, steady and unsteady state conduction, convection, heat transfer coefficient, radiation
Applications in macro and micro scale devices and materials processing such as in oil refineries, human body, solidification, casting, heat losses from the furnace, alloy homogenization, segregation, oxidation, reduction, microfluidics, cooling in electronic devices, flow and vacuum production etc.
References and reading materials:
“Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing”, G.H. Geiger and D.R. Poirier, TMS, 1984.
“Transport Phenomena”, R. Byron Bird, warren E. Stewart and Edwin N. Lightfoot, John Wiley, 2001.
“An Introduction to Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering (2nd edition)”, David R. Gaskell, Momentum press, LLC, New Jersey, 2013.
“Basic Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering”, Manabu Iguchi and Olusegun J. Ilegbusi, Springer, 2014.
“Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, Theodore L. bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, John Wiley & Sons 2011
Received the appreciation letter from The Dean Academics for Corrosion and degradation course (Jan-April 2022)