Functional Materials Laboratory (FML)
Materials Engineering Department, IIT Gandhinagar

Accessible equipment​
Below are some of the accessible equipment for our group. The instruments are categorized as:
(1) Sample preparation units: Spin coater, cutting machines, cold hydraulic press, sintering furnaces, hot embosser, ultrasonic probe, slurry roller, polishing machines.​
(2) Characterizations: SEM, stylus profilometer, FTIR, optical microscope, confocal microscope, hardness, particle size analyzer, BET, density kit, high precision weighing balance, DSC.​
(3) Functional properties testing: Multifunctional Tribometer, Contact angle goniometer, Droplet normal adhesion in-house built setup, UV-Visible spectrometer.
​​​​​​​​​​​Central Instrumentation Facilities (CIF) at IITGN
Multifunctional MFT-5000 Tribometer
(Rtec Instruments)
Contact angle goniometer
(Krüss DSA-25, 155 fps)

Spin Coater

Hydraulic cold press
(P < 20 kg/cm2)

Probe Sonicator

Epoxy mounting equipment

Muffle furnace
(T up to 1200 °C)

Vacuum muffle furnace (Nabertherm, T < 1100 °C)

Automatic polisher
(Buehler AutoMet 250)

Stylus-based Profilometer
(Bruker DektakXT, Contact mode, depth resolution: 10 nm)

(Perkin Elmer- Spectrum Two)

Low speed Cutter
(Buehler IsoMet, < 300 rpm)

Weighing balance
(precision of 10-6 g)

Dynamic light scattering
(Malvern, 1 nm-10 microns)

Optical microscope


Confocal microscope
(Leica TCS SP8, wavelengths = 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm, 140 nm lateral resolution)

Abrasive cutter
(< 2800 rpm)

Manual polisher

Vickers hardness indenter
(MicroMach, 10-1000 g)

UV-Visible spectroscope
(Perkin Elmer-Lamda 365)

Differe​ntial Scanning calorimeter
(Perkin Elmer-DSC 8000, -180°C to 750°C)