Functional Materials Laboratory (FML)
Materials Engineering Department, IIT Gandhinagar

Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu
Group Leader &
Assistant Professor
Materials Engineering Department
IIT Gandhinagar
Phone: +91 79 2395 2560
Office: Academic Block 11, room 309B
Address: IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Near GIFT City,
Gandhinagar 382055, India
Google Scholar

Ph.D., EPFL, Switzerland (Nov 2011-April 2016)
​Dual degrees (B.Tech+M.Tech), Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras (2006-2011)
Research Experiences
Assistant Professor, Materials Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (Dec 2019-present)
Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (March 2017-Sep 2019) Postdoctoral fellow,
Postdoctoral researcher, Empa Thun, Switzerland (May-Sep 2016)
Sponsored Projects
Multifaceted Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics, Beads, Shell Objects and External Trade Relations from the Historic City of Vadnagar, Gujarat, Gujarat State Archaeology, PI: Prof. Prabhakar V N, Co-PI: Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu, approved amount 31,15,200 Rs (Dec 2022-Dec 2024)
Development of a slidling bearing for earthquake protection of structures, Device Development Programme (DDP)-DST, PI: Prof. Manish Kumar, IITGN, Co-PIs: Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu, Prof. Durgesh C Rai, IIT Kanpur, approved amount 63,77,941 Rs (March 2021-Feb 2024)
Slippery properties of liquid impregnated micro cavities, SERB-Start Up Research Grant (SRG), PI: Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu, approved amount 32, 64,750 Rs (Dec 2020- Dec 2022)
Tribological and slippery properties of liquid impregnated micro cavities, IIT Gandhinagar, PI: Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu, approved amount 1,10,00,000 Rs (2020-2023)
Consultancy Projects
Sriharitha Rowthu (PI), "Milk and milk fat repellent HDPE bottles", Prompt Dairy Tech, June - Nov, 2024.
Sriharitha Rowthu (PI), “Feasibility study to fabricate ZnO blocks in an indigenous manner”, Elmex Controls Pvt. Ltd., India. 22.02 Lakhs, 30 Sep 2023-29 Aug 2024.
Sriharitha Rowthu, (co-PI), “Development of PTFE based materials for seismic isolation”, Harsha Engineers International Limited, 4 Lakhs, 10 Oct 2023-09 Oct 2024, M. Tech thesis sponsored. PI: Prof. Manish Kumar.
Faculty Mentor
Lubricant infused slippery surfaces for sanitation applications, Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF), Applicant: Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu), Jan 2021-Dec 2025.
Invited talks
Sriharitha Rowthu delivered a keynote talk on "Urine and Feces Repellent Nano Cement Surfaces", Ceramics for Frontier Sectors: Emerging Advances and Prospects (CerAP), 11-12 March 2024, organized by The American Ceramic Society & IIT Roorkee.
Sriharitha Rowthu delivered a keynote talk on “Friction and wear properties of PTFE-SS316 for seismic isolation applications”, 9th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulations (ICCMS), 22 Dec 2023, organized by IIT Gandhinagar.
Keynote speaker at Amalgam, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department, IIT Madras, 21-23 April, 2023. Talk is on "Nature inspired superhydrophobic cement surfaces".
Delivered an invited talk on "Tribological Properties of Alumina Matrix Composites", 16 Nov 2022, AICTE-Faculty Development Programme, organized by IIT Tirupati.
At Materials Engineering, IISC Bangalore, Oct 2022.
Delivered an invited talk on "Non-wetting Al 5083 alloys" at AMPCO 2022 (Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities), IIT Roorkee, 17-19 Oct, 2022.
Faculty Development Programme on “Recent advances in materials and challenges in manufacturing techniques” Sponsored by AICTE, 07 February- 19th February 2022, organized by JNTU Kakinada, India.
Faculty Development Programme on “Recent advances in materials and challenges in manufacturing techniques” Sponsored by AICTE, 22nd March- 3rd April 2021, organized by JNTU Kakinada, India.
Soft Matter Young Investigators e-Meet (SMYIM) 03-05 Dec 2020, jointly held by IISC Bangalore and IIT Madras. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAxWqGhEpHs
At Materials Engineering, IISC Bangalore, Jan 2020
At Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, Dec 2018
At Chemical Engineering, IIT Mumbai, May 2019
Professional Memberships
The Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS), Life Membership, Sep 2021
Tribology Society of India (TSI), Life Membership, March 2024
Academic services outside IIT Gandhinagar
Reviewer for CRC Book Proposal on Bio Lubrication for Sustainable Tribology, 2023
Ph.D. thesis reviewer for IIT Kanpur, 2023.
Chaired the "Functional Materials" session at Amalgam, 21-23 April 2023, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras.
Undergraduate Research Committee (UGRC) coordinator, IIT Gandhinagar, 2022-ongoing.
Peer-reviewer of Nature Publishing Journal Clean Water, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Langmuir, Materials & Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, several MDPI journals.
Co-chaired the "Soft thin films" session together with Prof. Rabibrata Mukherjee at CompFlu, organized by IIT Kharagpur & Indian Rheological Society (IRS), 19-21 December 2022.
Co-chaired the "Powder Technology" session together with Prof. Manoj at AMPCO, IIT Roorkee, 17-19 October, 2022.
Chaired the "Young Researcher Talks" and co-judged at AMPCO, IIT Roorkee, 17-19 October, 2022.
Served as a judge for the posters in "Materials for Sustainability" session, IIT Roorkee, 17-19 Oct, 2022.
Co-chaired the "Interfaces, wetting & adhesion" session together with Prof. Rabibrata Mukherjee ​in the Complex Fluids e-conference 2021, organized by IITGN & Indian Rheological Society (IRS).
Ph.D. thesis reviewer for IIT Madras, 2020.
Institute building services at IIT Gandhinagar
Materials Engineering department website developer (Jan-April 2024)
NYASA coordinator (Aug 2023-July 2024)
Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) coordinator (Aug 2020-Aug 2021)
Donor and excellence scholarships coordinator (June 2020-ongoing)
Undergraduate Research Committee member (June 2022-June 2023)