Functional Materials Laboratory (FML)
Materials Engineering Department, IIT Gandhinagar

FML group news!
Dec 2024
A journal article authored by Nishkarsh Srivastav, Aaqib H Khan, Rakesh Choubey and Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu was published in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds journal. Congratulations on this well deserved success! Publication can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.177196.
Our journal publication on Sewage water repellent surfaces has been features on the IITGN's social media. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7264615956339974144/
Nov 2024
Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta, doctoral student received best poster award at 3rd International Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE 2024), Spain, 20-22 Nov, 2024. Hearty congratulations for this prestigious recognition!
October 2024
A journal article authored by Ratnadeep Samanta and Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu was published in the Langmuir Journal. Congratulations on this well deserved success! Publication can be accessed at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c02956.
August 2024
Mr. Vedsagar Rajesh Suryavanshi, M. Tech student was selected for the prestigious double degree program for receiving also M.Sc. at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and M. Tech from IITGN. Many congratulations for getting selected for this excellent dual degree program.
June 2024
Mr. Deven Birje has been awarded the prestigious "Sabarmati Bridge Fellowship", 2024-2025 by IIT Gandhinagar. Many congratulations and wishing for exciting research during the coming year.
Mr. Deven Birje has successfully defended his M. Sc. Thesis and graduated from IIT Gandhinagar under the mentorship of Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu.
A journal article authored by Mr. Rakesh Choubey and Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu was published in the ACS Omega journal. It is also featured as a journal cover page. Congratulations on this well deserved success! Publication can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.4c01623.
March 2024
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu delivered a keynote talk on "Urine and Feces Repellent Nano Cement Surfaces", Ceramics for Frontier Sectors: Emerging Advances and Prospects (CerAP), 11-12 March 2024, organized by The American Ceramic Society & IIT Roorkee.
December 2023
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu delivered a keynote talk on “Friction and wear properties of PTFE-SS316 for seismic isolation applications”, 9th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulations (ICCMS), 22 Dec 2023, organized by IIT Gandhinagar.
November 2023
Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta received best poster award at PG research showcase at IIT Gandhinagar. Heartiest Congratulations.
October 2023
Dr. Manish Kumar (PI), Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu (co-PI) will be developing PTFE composites for Seismic isolation devices in collaboration with Harsha Engineers. LinkedIn News
Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta's SEM image has been awarded the 3rd prize in International Metallographic Society (IMS) by ASM International 2023 in "Color Artistic Microscopy". Heartiest Congratulations.
September 2023
Mr. Narayana Ganesh joined as an M. Tech student in our group. We are also very proud of him as he has been selected for the prestigious JAIST double degree program, for pursuing M. Tech at IITGN and M.Sc. at Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (JAIST). Our heartiest congratulations to you Narayana! LinkedIn News
Our collaborative research that was published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials has been featured as cover page and also in ACS Headline News! Congratulations to all the authors.
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu (PI) and Dr. Naran Pindoriya (co-PI) signed an MoA with Elmex Controls Pvt. Ltd. under the association of IEEMA-TISCO to develop ZnO surge protection devices indigenously. News Coverage LinkedIn News
April 2023
Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta and Ms. Anjali have successfully passed the "Certification in Scientific Writing", IIT Gandhinagar, Sem II 2022-2023. Many congratulations to both! List of awardees
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu delivered a keynote talk on "Nature inspired superhydrophobic cement surfaces" at Amalgam, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department, IIT Madras, 21-23 April, 2023.
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu chaired the "Functional Materials" session at Amalgam, 21-23 April 2023, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras.
March 2023
Mr. Deven Birje, Physics discipline have joined the group to pursue their M.Sc. thesis.
Ms. Mrunal Chavan, M.Sc. student from Cognitive Sciences discipline joined FML for completing the M.Sc. thesis work. Supervisor: Prof. Leslee Lazar and co-supervisor: Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu
January 2023
Mr. Imran Khan, Mr. Rakesh Choubey have re-joined the group as Ph.D. students
10 microscopy images were selected from our FML laboratory work as Nanoartography finalists, 2022, competition conducted by Drexel university. The instagram page is https://www.instagram.com/nanoartography/
December 2022
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu co-chaired the session "Soft thin films" at Compflu, Dec 19-21, 2022, organized by IIT Kharagpur and Indian Rheological Society (IRS) along with Prof. Rabibrata Mukherjee. http://www.compflu2022.che.iitkgp.ac.in/session.html
Mr. Imran Khan (JRF) delivered an oral talk titled "Chemical etching of AA-5083 and studying wetting properties", co-authored by Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu, in the session "Advanced Manufacturing & Processing" at Compflu, Dec 19-21, 2022.
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu presented a poster titled "Crack-free porous ZrO2 blocks using in-situ formation of MgO", co-authored by Dr. Ankitkumar Kansara, Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta and Dr. Sanjay G. Chaudhari in the session "Suspensions and Colloids session" at Compflu, Dec 19-21, 2022.
November 2022
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu delivered an invited talk on "Tribological Properties of Alumina Matrix Composites", 16 Nov 2022, AICTE-Faculty Development Programme, organized by IIT Tirupati.
October 2022
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu delivered an invited talk titled "Non-wetting Al 5083 alloys" co-authored by Mr. Nishkarsh Srivastav and Mr. Aaqib Khan at AMPCO 2022 (Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities), IIT Roorkee, 17-19, 2022.
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu co-chaired the "Powder Technology" session at AMPCO, IIT Roorkee, 17-19, 2022.
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu chaired the "Young Researcher Talks" and co-judged at AMPCO, IIT Roorkee, 17-19, 2022.
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu served as a judge for the posters in "Materials for Sustainability" session, IIT Roorkee, 17-19 Oct, 2022. PDF of TECHNICAL PROGRAM
Mr. Omkar Sahu joins the FML on 21 Oct, 2022 to pursue his M. Tech thesis. A warm welcome to him to the group!
Dr. Ankitkumar Kansara moved to Germany for pursuing his second postdoctoral fellowship.
September 2022
The funding proposal titled "Multifaceted Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics from the Historic City of Vadnagar" was accepted. Funding agency: Gujarat State Archaeology. PI: Prof. V. N. Prabhakar, co-PIs: Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu and Dr. Ravi Kant.
July 2022
Mr. Amay Gupta defended his M. Tech thesis titled "Development and tribological characterizations of a small-scale sliding isolation bearing". Supervisor: Dr. Manish Kumar, co-supervisor: Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu.
June 2022
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu received an appreciation letter from The Dean Academics for the UG course "Corrosion and degradation of Materials (MSE 302)", Jan-April 2022.
April 2022
Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta received the prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF)
Dr. Srinadh Mattaparthi's paper on "Non-toxic self-cleaning large area cement blocks fabrication by biomimicking superhydrophobic periwinkle flowers" was accepted in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects journal, 2022. Hearty congratulations to him and all the co-authors. This is a fruitful collaborative work done with Prof. Sreeram K. Kalpathy, IIT Madras. Link to publication is https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2022.129112
Jan 2022
Mr. Deepak Prajapati published a paper in Surfaces and Interfaces journal. This work is from his semester project work done at FML. Hearty congratulations Deepak! In fact, this is the first paper from FML after it's inception at IITGN! Link to publication is https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2022.101742
Dec 2021
6 group members presented oral and posters at Complex Fluids e-conference 2021, organized by IITGN & Indian Rheological Society (IRS).
Sriharitha Rowthu served as the co-chair for the session "Interfaces, wetting & adhesion" together with Prof. Rabibrata Mukherjee ​in the Complex Fluids e-conference 2021, organized by IITGN & Indian Rheological Society (IRS).​
May 2021
New publication in Materials & Design journal has been accepted on May 06th. Link
Ms. Priya Mandal joins the FML on May 17th as a senior research associate on the SERB-SRG project. Excited to have you in the group!
March 2021
Mr. Rakesh Choubey joins the FML group to pursue his M. Tech thesis from March 1st. A very warm welcome!
Mr. Nikhil Venkat Cherukupally joined FML on March 1st to do 3 months project at FML. Previously, he pursued his masters at IISC Bangalore. Welcome to the FML family!
Mr. Deepak Prajapati (Ph.D. student in the discipline) and Mr. Smit Patel (B. Tech student) grabbed a total of 4 awards in the International Sci Art Competition held by INYAS 2021. Awards announced at INYAS and facebook.
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu along with Dr. Manish Kumar (PI) and Prof. Durgesh C. Rai have received funding from DDP-DST for a total amount of 63,77,941 Rs.
February 2021
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu has served as an external examiner for PhD thesis defense of Ms. Aarthy E on "Multiwavelength Polarimetry of Astrophysical Sources", PRL, Ahmedabad pursued under guidance of Prof. Santosh Vadawale.
January 2021
Mr. Ratnadeep Samanta has joined Materials Engineering and FML on Jan 01, 2021 to pursue his doctoral studies. He did his M. Tech from Jadavapur university. A very warm welcome!
Mr. Nishkarsh Srivastav, Ph.D. student of Materials Engineering discipline has joined FML to carry out his semester project on corrosion properties of Al alloys. Welcome to FML!
Mr. Dhyanesh B, B. Tech student has joined FML to carry out his semester research project on literature survey of superhydrophobic polymers. Warm welcome!
Mr. Dhanajay Singh, B. Tech student has joined FML to carry out his semester research project on food packaging literature survey. He will work in a team comprising of Ms. Sweta Gupta and Mr. Rohit Gahlot. A special welcome!
December 2020
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu has presented an invited lecture at Soft Matter: Young Investigators e-Meet (SYMIM); jointly organized by IISC Bangalore & IIT Bombay, Dec 03-05, 2020. Talk available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAxWqGhEpHs
We published a journal paper "Pt catalytic effects on the corrosion and hydrogen chemisorption properties of Zircaloy-2", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2021, 544, 152716. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152716
Dr. Srinadh Mattaparthi has presented a poster "Biomimcking Superhydrophobic Periwinkle Flowers (Catharanthus Roseus)" at Complex Fluids e-meet, organized by IIT Bombay, Dec 10-12, 2020, India.
Deepak Prajapati has presented a poster "Wetting investigations of banana leaves" at Complex Fluids e-Meet, organized by IIT Bombay, Dec 10-12, 2020, India.
October 2020
Prof. Sriharitha Rowthu served as a Ph.D. Final Defense Committee (FDC) member of Mr. Swaroop Chakraborty, Materials Engineering (formerly called as Materials Science and Engineering), IIT Gandhinagar on 12 October, 2020.
September 2020
Mr. Dharmendra Sablaniya has re-joined our group as a research assistant starting from Sep 14, 2020 for a period of 3 months
August 2020
Dr. Srinadh Mattaparthi (Ph.D. graduate from IIT Hyderabad) has joined FML on August 21, 2020 as a postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu served as an external examiner of Ph.D. viva of Mr. Shantharama, IIT Madras, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering on August 28, 2020.
July 2020
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu served as a Ph.D. Final Defense Committee (FDC) member of Ms. Deepa Dixit, Chemical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar on July 15, 2020.
Mr. Adithyan, Ms. Sweta and Ms. Archita have officially completed their summer remote internships.
May 2020
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu's Internal proposal at IIT Gandhinagar has been approved on 22 May.
April 2020
Ms. Archita V, NIT Trichy joins as a remote intern on April 24 at FML and co-supervised by Dr. Sreeram Kalapathy, IIT Madras
Ms. Sweta Gupta joins FML as a remote intern on April 24
March 2020
Mr. Adithyan Annamalai, Anna university joins as a remote intern at FML on March 24
February 2020
Co-organized the Annual Picnic of IITGN together with Prof. Aksha Vatwani and Prof. Arnab Saha
Mr. Abhijeet Ojha has joined FML on February 15 as a short term research associate
January 2020
Teaching begins for a UG elective "Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering"
Mr. Dharmendra Sablaniya and Mr. Shivam Gupta join FML to do their independent semester projects in their final year UG
Mr. Deepak Prajapathi joins FML to do his independent semester project for his Ph.D. program
Dr. Sriharitha presented a seminar at IISC Bangalore in the Materials Engineering Department on Jan 27
December 2019
Functional Materials Laboratory commences on 06 Dec 2019
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu receives the Excellence in Research Fellowship from IITGN-from Dec 2019
Dr. Sriharitha Rowthu joins the organizing team of Compflu 2020-2021 conference to be held at IITGN